Pest ID



Cockroaches spread human disease by depositing disease organisms on food and utensils. The American cockroach, which comes into contact with human excrement in sewers or with pet droppings, may transmit bacteria that cause Salmonella and Shigella. German cockroaches are believed to be capable of transmitting disease-causing organisms such as Staphylococcus, hepatitis, and coliform bacteria. They also have been implicated in the spread of typhoid and dysentery.


Recent studies have found a strong association between the presence of cockroaches and increases in the severity of asthma symptoms in individuals who are sensitive to cockroach allergens, especially children.

Detection and Treatment

Cockroaches may become pests in homes, restaurants, hospitals, warehouses, offices, and virtually any structure that has food preparation or storage areas. These pests are common even in the cleanest of crowded urban areas and older dwellings. It's usually not difficult to discover an infestation, because they are often visible. Treatment usually involves sealing cracks and crevices to block entrance; keeping food and trash areas clean to avoid providing food; and the professional application of insecticide and bait on a regular basis.



Rats, mice, squirrels and other rodents consume and contaminate food. They also gnaw on electrical wires, wooden structures, and tear insulation in walls and ceilings for nesting. Rodents can also transmit disease to humans, pets, and livestock. They have been found to transmit typhus, leptospirosis, trichinosis, and salmonellosis.


Detection and Treatment

The presence of mice and rats is usually detected by the damage they cause to food and structures, by their droppings, and by their nests. Treatment involves eliminating all entry points and population reduction by the application of rodenticides and traps



Ants cause various types of damage, depending upon the variety. Carpenter ants tunnel through wood, destroying structures. Pharaoh ants may transmit serious diseases. A fire ant's sting is potentially deadly to susceptible individuals, and all ants contaminate the food they infest.


Detection and Treatment

Ants build massive colonies, so their presence is generally detected when you see their nests, or the ants themselves. Treatments involve baiting, insecticide, and sealing off entry to buildings.


Except for poisonous spiders, such as the black widow and the brown recluse, spiders are not harmful to humans. When it's important to control spiders, chemical control is used, along with destruction of webs and eggs. Since they feed on insects, measures that control unwanted insects will also reduce spider populations.


Biting and Stinging Pests


Hornets, wasps and scorpions are dangerous because of their painful and potentially harmful stings.

Biting, Stinging

Detection and Treatment

Wasp nests and other stinging insect nests can be identified and removed by professionals with protective gear. Insecticides are also used. Scorpion problems are usually treated chemically.


Subterranean termites are extremely destructive. First they build tunnels to wooden structures, and then they burrow into those structures to obtain food. Any wood or cellulose-containing material constitutes termite food, and given time to do so, they'll eat until nothing is left but a shell. Termites avoid light and air, so they build their colonies where you're not likely to stumble upon them. A typical homeowner’s insurance policy does not cover destruction caused by termites, even though they cause over 1 billion dollars in damage to homes throughout the United States each year. Our inspection and treatment program can help you understand the threat of termites, and we will take the necessary steps to protect your home.


Bed Bugs

Bed bugs are small, wingless insects that feed on blood from animals or people. Bed bugs get their name because they like to hide in bedding and mattresses, but bed bugs can live on luggage, clothing, carpets and just about any place where humans are regularly present. They are nocturnal and very hardy with the ability to live for months without a meal. They travel well, actively hitch hiking on clothes, luggage and furniture until they find a new source of food.

Bed Bug

Bed bugs are small black or reddish insects, about a ¼ inch long, with a broad oval shape and small head. Before feeding, they are flat. After a meal of human or animal blood, they become swollen and elongated.

Most people become aware of bed bugs after they are bitten and the bite marks appear on their skin. Some people notice small blood stains on their bedding from where the bed bug bit them. They will typically feed on people's arms or shoulders, though any area of exposed skin can be a target. Bed bugs also can be detected by looking for their droppings – small, dark flecks left on sheets, floors, walls, furniture or clothes as the bed bugs are crawling to hiding spots.

They are often incorrectly associated with unclean conditions, but the truth is bed bugs can be found anywhere they find a reliable population of hosts (human or animal) and some cover to hide in while they are digesting or waiting for a host.

What to do if you think you have bed bugs

If you spot bed bugs or start noticing insect bites on your skin (often several bites in a straight line), call a pest control professional immediately. These are difficult insects to eradicate and most do-it-yourself measures will fall short of eliminating or controlling a population once they become established. Pest control companies will work to create an eradication plan that is right for your dwelling and your family.

Our Services


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Our service was excellent. We had trees and the lawn sprayed. Our tech was very polite and accommodating. Would highly recommend this service.

- Donna B.